Since I accidently deleted this entire section, I get to rewrite it! So... here is some of what I have so far...

Generic Info:

boozeathon4billion started in December of 2007. The idea came to me to jump back into the webcomic world (after two failed attempts) because I was doing a comic for my college's paper and wanted someplace to host all the ideas that would never make it to press.

I started doing the comic with a mouse, like I had done with my previous comics, and the results were... lackluster. In March I had enough cash to pick up a Wacom Bamboo Fun tablet and started using that and only that to do the comics and other artwork. Since then the style has changed quite a bit and become much more complex (although it is taking me less time than it originally did).

As I started finding other small-ish comics that were weird and funny around the web, I started up OffTheWall Comics, a dropdown community which I'm hoping to expand so that our readers can get a taste of the webs best/weirdest comics by some awesome authors.

Why the weird name?

I thought it was funny and the domain name wasn't taken. Also, who doesn't want to wear some merch that says "boozeathon4billion" on it?!

Future plans:

I'm gonna make this comic for as long as I can. As long as I don't stop having weird ideas and the time to sketch up one frame every three days, then you will have three comics a week for as long as I can forsee.

I am, however, writing and drawing some new stuff for a plot/character driven comic which I hope will see the light of "day" by 2009. It will be a slice-of-life comic which will be very continuous. I'm having fun writing and drawing for it and really hope you'll enjoy reading it.

...and as I think of more stuff to put here, I'll do it. If you have questions, just email me them and I'll get back with you asap and probably throw the answers on here or in a FAQs page which I'm still formulating.